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Our Journey To Leicester Business Networking

From Marketing Exploration To Joining The Foxes, Networking

We grow our business using various marketing methods. Networking is a great way to grow and have fun. Understand why we network with The Foxes.
Joshua Windatt
August 20, 2024


Marketing isn't easy. I tried all kinds of marketing methods whilst trying to grow Yolkk in it's first year (2022). At this point I'd been using the website content management system Webflow for around one year and knew I was onto a winner. Even with a great service getting your business out there and in front of the right audience is a challenging task.

"First time founders are obsessed with product. Second time founders are obsessed with distribution." Justin Kan, Twitch

We now live in a world where attention spans can be measured in milliseconds and therefore the 'build it and they will come' mentality only exists in wild dreams.

This quote sums up exactly my thinking and I can imagine most first time business owners. I loved the service I was providing but hadn't adequately thought about distribution.

Marketing Methods I Tested- A Lot Of Failing

Naivety plays a large part in my business building journey. Not only had I watched; friends, family, influencers I admired, co-workers etc. build successful businesses, my experience and background also gave me confidence.

My background was and still is:

  1. Successful Salesman
  2. Design and Development Legacy

Therefore, I naively believed creating a small agency would be hard work but ultimately simple (especially when I had a 10/10 tool!). The truth is that starting from nothing and building from 0-1 is extremely different to being successful within a refined corporate process. I also believed that due to my product being a website I should double down on online customer acquisition methods rather than what I'm actually quite good at - face to face interactions.

1. Leverage Network

The first method I tried was leveraging my existing network.

It's easy to chastise myself for past mistakes but I made a good size dent in the wall thinking about all the times I could have spent more energy and attention as a salesman/ employee growing and nurturing my personal network/ personal brand (LinkedIn)!

Growing your LinkedIn as an employee doesn't only benefit the business you work for but also yourself in future positions or if starting up your own business.

At this stage I was acting on the advise that you don't have a business until you have a paying customer. I therefore was asking for potential customers to trust me without having enough (projects) to showcase. Once again looking back I want to further the dent in the wall but this was all part of the journey.

2. You Have A Phone

Cold calling was difficult but I'd seen success in a previous life and therefore it seemed like a great idea to dust off this skill and giving it the old colleague try.

I focused on local businesses but like many before me all too often failed to get past the gate keeper. Patrick Dang has some great YouTube videos around cold calling and even though this method didn't take off all his videos are well worth a watch.

Screenshot of Patrick Dang YouTube Channel

*I'm not one to give up easily but I also tried door knocking. My younger brother did this for over a year in the B2B space with genuine success but I gave this up after only one attempt! I don't regret this decision at all. I felt hatred for this in my bones, still do.

3. Bye Bye $$$

Spend £400 and get £400 free credit - Google Ads. Don't do this unless a) you're a fan of burning money or b) you know what you're doing.

4. Everyone Has An Email

I discovered AppSumo around this time and use it way too much to this day. It's chock full of great inexpensive tools will allow you to dip your toe in the water of any task. It was using this tool I started discovering how to send cold emails and acquiring relevant email lists.

Screenshot of AppSumo a software buying marketplace YouTube Channel

This actually went both wrong and right. Firstly, very wrong:

4.1. Expertise Matters

So it turns out that despite YouTube being an incredible tool sometimes an expert is what is necessary. Examples:

Stupid But Great Example: Did you know you can tile your new bathroom floor yourself? I'm a little obsessed installing wooden flooring in my house and I'm quite good at it (every room now has wooden flooring and nice rugs to cover my hard work). Therefore, I didn't think twice when it came to tiling my bathroom. It was all going so well until I looked at my toilet and the curve around it's base. YouTube to the rescue: "how to tile around a toilet", play.

You see, an expert or maybe just someone sensible would say "Josh, you don't tile around the base of a toilet - the toilet goes on top of the tiles....".

If however there is indeed a YouTube video called "how to tile around a toilet" YouTube will show you it. The one I happened to soak up showed two blokes (it was blokes) clipping and cutting tiles to mould them into roughly the right shape and installing them around a toilet base. I hastily followed suit. Update: I've never fixed this and my eyes have glanced at the monstrous job toilet for years.

Actual Example: I watched many tutorials and best practises on email marketing. I even installed open source software called Mautic on an AWS server so this marketing attempt would go properly! Just like the previous example however you only need to miss one step for it all to go wrong.

In this instance it was "warming" a domain before starting the outreach. You see, email providers pick up on that fact that an email or domain goes from sending on average 10 emails a day to 300.

This single mistake caused me problems well beyond not being able to find customers via email marketing. It landed every email I sent in my prospects junk inboxes leading to frustrating conversations with me having to explain that the email would in fact be in the spam section of their inbox - not good.

4.2. You Gotta Love It

At this point in my entrepreneurial journey I was disheartened and downtrodden. I wanted to keep going but I had a long term partner and a mortgage. I, like many others, also wrapped my identity up with my career and success. I was doing well, earning good money and because of this was respected by peers and alike. It's therefore so difficult to actively move down so many places in the proverbial 'pecking order', and find yourself with a 'business' that isn't working and might never.

Therefore, I certainly didn't love it at this time, but looking back it's now so clear that these were just steps on the path to finding something that actually worked.

Despite emails being an unmitigated disaster something unexpected came out of this experiment - some emails found on my exported AppSumo CSV's had mobile numbers next to them. Consequently when I saw mobile number next to the email addresses of business owners that likely never saw an email as it landed deep in their junk mail, I was still able to pick up the phone, and not just call their business, but their mobile.

GDPR | Just to note that the protections around businesses are very different to the rights consumers have. Therefore if you've made a business mobile number (i.e. recorded it for business purposes) publicly accessible at some point it very well might have made it onto a list. A list I might have!

I even went further by not picking up the phone to anyone but researching the businesses that actually needed assistance. Following some refinement here was my script:

Me: "Hi Rachael, my name is Josh and this is a cold call. I wondered if you had a spare 30 seconds to hear me out. I believe I can offer value".

Prospect: "Go on then"

Me: "I'm a website design and developer and on your website now. I can see {company name} is active and growing but I believe could do a much better job at showcasing the business. Would you be interested in hearing more..."

Speaking with the decision maker directly coupled with doing research prior to calling has a profoundly different outcome to calling and speaking with admin staff. I was always met with either:

  1. We're actually already working with a website agency/ freelancer and know it's a problem
  2. It's not the right time (becomes long term prospect)
  3. Yes, lets talk further

Targeted cold calling mobile numbers was transformative.

Introduction To Networking

I thought networking would be a nicer way of getting business and long story short, I wasn't wrong. Finding the right way to network however was what took a long time.

Working as a salesman for effectively the full extent of my career networking was by no means a stranger - I had however only dabbled and therefore never tried employing it as a repeatable method of gaining referrals and ultimately business.

Deciding to at least explore what networking would be like for Yolkk I simply Googled "business networking events near me" and found myself staring at various events on Eventbrite.

Foreword - You're Responsible

Networking is a skill that you will ultimately get better at. Some people start being very good, others grow and flourish. I've learn't so much about business, networking and even myself, that it's difficult to pinpoint if it's personal development or development that has come from networking. Effectively when I first started I naively believed business would land on your lap following handing a business card or a nice conversation. Forrest critters do not appear when I sing and the world is not that kind - networking is a process and requires forethought.

Therefore, before we explore the different kinds of networking let's define two simple strategies.

1-2-1 Strategy

  1. Networking introduces you to multiple individuals
  2. Add everyone you meet on LinkedIn with a short follow up
  3. Target individuals that a) you could see yourself getting on with or b) are positioned better to pass you the correct referrals
  4. Ask these targeted businessmen/ women for a 1-2-1 i.e. short meeting either over a video call or in person (coffee, drink, meal) and get to know them
  5. Nurture what is hopefully a new friendship in addition to trying to help the where possible (people are much more likely to give when you have already given)

Asking For Referrals

  1. Target or outright ask a networking group to leverage their network in order to extract trusted individuals they know that would foster the best referrals. Here's some examples:

    • Utility Broker → Mortgage Broker, Estate Agent
    • Web Designer → Accountant, Business Coach, Videographer, Social Media Agency
    • Conveyancer → Estate Agent, Mortgage Broker
    • Private Health Insurance → Accountant, Business Insurance Broker
  2. Ask for warm introductions to these individuals and setup a call/ meeting
  3. Nurture lead until it turns into a relationship that can grow into multiple referrals.

There's many methods and processes whilst networking. Some use social media (especially LinkedIn when talking B2B networking) as a reminder about them and their services i.e. develop small relationships and have social media work as a tool to continue to build on this relationship and stay at the forefront of peoples minds.

The commonality is that networking does not finish at the event or in the room!

The Different Kinds Of Networking

I visited six networking groups (many multiple times) before finding the right one. Since this I've visited even more groups and am always surprised at the vast differences and individuality groups hold. Soon I'll be two years into networking as a seriously viable way of getting new leads and business and I can safely say what works and does not work.

Let's discuss the different kinds of networking:

Open Networking

There are groups like "Business Buzz" that are open networking events. Anyone is welcome at these and they tend to be a continuously revolving door with familiar regulars. You will of course see competition but through enjoyable conversations develop relationships that develop into learning more about one another's businesses.

Some of these events will have a speaker or presentation with words from sponsors or businessmen/ women they believe would be of interest to attendees.


  • New faces that could be interested in your services
  • Casual unstructured vibe


  • Approaching people for unstructured conversations can scare people
  • Briefer encounters can lead to in-genuine connections

Conferences & Events

Conference London

Larger scale and less frequent, attending a conference can be a powerful method to get into networking at a larger, more national or even international scale.

These types of organised gatherings typically focus on a specific niche/ industry and therefore can be an incredible method to meet targeted individuals.

This article is more aimed toward SME's and therefore I haven't gone into detail but conferences are industry wide gatherings with decisions being made and secondary meetings happening whilst individuals are all able to meet face to face with much less energy than is typically required.


  • Industry/ business specific
  • National/ International


  • Events and conferences can become expensive

Online Networking

Computer with video call and many people attending

Travel takes time and technology allows great conversations to be had anywhere in the world.

Online networking is similar to Group Networking which I further detail below, nevertheless I've given 'networking online' it's own section because of it's stark differences.

There are also hybrid groups that alternate between online and in person.


  • Enjoy your own brand of tea whilst networking with others
  • Save time
  • Likely save money.


  • As a technology orientated individual I love the idea of online meetings but they are different. Your emails are only a click away and some people will sign in on the go. This lends to an overall lack of concentration and focus from everyone including unfortunately myself
  • As the group gets larger meetings can become somewhat messy with mics being muted and unmuted, multiple people chiming in, etc.

Group Networking

Well dressed business men and women at a table networking
People in this image are a little smart comparative to the events I enjoy!

In person group networking is a committed and therefore regular group of businessmen/ women meeting at a defined time each week, month, quarter etc. Not unlike online networking, meetings will often have agendas and a certain format that repeats each meeting. Alongside getting to know one another, learning skills and presenting their businesses, groups and individuals are often scored on their ability to pass business within the group.

There's advantages to having more members in a group and therefore members are encouraged to invite individuals they believe would benefit from networking. These guests or visitors are able to see how the group works as well as feels before eventually (typically 2-3 visits) no longer able to join without becoming a paid member.

Most organised group networking operate using a lockout method. This effectively means you hold a single professional category within the group and therefore aren't networking directly with your competition. Despite this, categories can be somewhat similar and as the group expands and more individuals join the category you hold becomes important and more niche, i.e. you might be an agency offering a host of marketing services; design, web, social media, PPC and SEO. These are all separate categories or seats as they're sometimes known. Despite not having the opportunity to speak about all your services networking with more individuals in your space can also be advantageous with more opportunity to pass business to one another following working with customers actively looking to focus on this area of their business.

As mentioned previously, I'm continually surprised at how different each networking group is and therefore we'll expand on advantages and disadvantages further in the article.


  • Regular meetings and individuals foster real relationships
  • Structure allows


  • As a technology orientated individual I love the idea of online meetings but they are different. Your emails are only a click away and some people will sign in on the go. This lends to an overall lack of concentration and focus from everyone including unfortunately myself.
  • As the group gets larger meetings can become somewhat messy with mics being muted and unmuted, multiple people chiming in, etc.

What To Look For When Networking

It's likely that when reading the variety of different networking methods above there are one or two that stand out as more 'you'. There's however a second series of elements to consider if deciding to explore networking:

The Vibe

For the purpose of this blog posts we're going to get exceptionally technical and call the first consideration when weighing a networking group to be their "vibe".

Each networking group has an inherent atmosphere or 'vibe' that will either suit your purposes or put you off entirely. Could you see yourself respecting the individuals in the room and therefore more open to advising a trusted customer or friend to pay for their expertise/ services?

Is their chosen location presentable and inviting? Is everyone open and friendly?


Many are put off of networking due to the time commitment it requires when groups and events are scheduled and regular. Time is of course a precious resource and therefore it's vital that you plan your week/ month carefully. It's therefore imperative to understand whether committing to a prospective group will fulfil your objectives.

  • Objective 1 - Referrals: Most network to gain referrals and as a form of lead generation. You're building a network of individuals that are constantly listening out for an ideal referral for yourself. Not all networking groups are good at passing business which means it's on you to assess as best possible if business is being passed between members. Many networking groups take this very seriously, others however lean more towards separate objectives.
  • Objective 2 - Kinship: Being a business owner/ salesman is often a lonely path to walk. Having regular meetups with individuals that are in the same position and supportive is not to be overlooked. Networking can be a place to gather with like minded people and enjoy a shared part of life you likely devote a lot of time toward, i.e. business.
  • Objective 3 - Training: Life is a never ending lesson that some relish and others fight against. Networking is a skill comprised of many other skills such as; people skills, presentation, sales, listening and many more. I can attest to having becoming a much better networker in my time and I'll doubtlessly be even better as time continues. This skill has upped my game outside of a weekly one hour meeting.
  • Objective 4 - Getting Started: Networking for some is a long term play that they'll continue to do for decades. It is however often scary trying to start or grow a business and networking ensures you're committing a certain amount of time each week/ month to work on growing your company. It might not be the forever plan but it's an interesting way of committing to growth.


Whilst introducing readers to networking we outlined some of the most common forms of networking gatherings. I've tried to outline the variety available in addition to small changes often shifting the overall feel.

The structure a networking meeting follows is typically followed at each event or meet. This also varies with some putting emphasis on:

  • Open networking
  • Member businesses
  • Business passed
  • Member presentation
  • Learning presentations
  • Guest speakers
  • Speed networking sessions
  • Industry-specific panels
  • One-on-one meetings
  • Group discussions
  • Q&A sessions
  • Icebreaker activities

Lastly, some groups structure their group on a points basis i.e. score their members for successful activities. This of course encourages the type of behaviours the group is looking for.


The last alternative point to consider is how many people are in the group. Group sizes do change over time but it's unlikely a group of 5 will become 10 in a matter of weeks. Similarly it's unlikely a group of 30 will loose 10 members in a short period. Therefore considering the size of the group and what that means for your objectives is paramount.

Small Group- Advantages:

  • Likely briefer meetings
  • Easy to get to know everyone and feel like an insider

Small Group - Disadvantages:

  • Less members to refer to and vice versa
  • Less members to share admin responsibilities

Large Group- Advantages:

  • More members to refer to and vice versa
  • More likely you'll find individuals you gel with
  • More members to share admin responsibilities

Large Group - Disadvantages:

  • Harder to stand out
  • Not as tight knit

My Experience Of Networking

I've been in and out of sales roles since 2013 and therefore been to enough networking events, meetings and groups to have an opinion.

I've also seen enough success to believe networking can work for any B2B (business to business) and B2C (business to consumer) service that has a customer life time value (consider repeat purchases, customer referrals etc) of over £500.00.

The Bad

Bad doesn't necessarily mean wasted time or even that I didn't enjoy myself, it's simply that the alternative is better. Be cautious of any of the below scenarios:

  1. There still exists old and stuffy networking groups operated by dinosaurs
  2. I've visited groups that are losing members and destined to ultimately fail
  3. I joined a group where the priority was not focused on passing referrals at a time when I needed business. The average referral being passed was also not large numbers and it took me a long time to identify this. The group ultimately wanted to pass business but I believe members were present for other reasons also.

You're Responsible, Part 2

I placed a foreword in the section "Introduction To Networking" that ultimately you're responsible when it comes to networking. It's very evident that the more you put in; passing referrals, helping the group, spending time with other members, asking for realistic and opportune referrals, the more you're likely to see success.

Therefore, if you haven't already please reread this section to ensure you understand that you're committing time outside of the meetings as well as the time spent attending events and groups.

The Good

I've been excited to write this part. Once you see signs of these you know you're onto a winner. Groups and events aren't concerned about you visiting multiple times as well. Visiting itself can foster great connections if followed up correctly but being a visitor is altogether different than someone who has committed to a membership and is joining their small 'tribe'.

  1. Business is clearly being passed
  2. Members are inviting, social and have energy
  3. You are welcomed and given direction (their is a plan upon your arrival)
  4. Members are engaged during the meeting
  5. You see members that will be beneficial to yourself and your business
  6. Bonus: The food, tea and coffee aren't bad

BNI Foxes, Leicester Business Networking

My experience therefore led me to join The BNI Foxes, Leicester Business Networking group.

BNI are a global networking group that at first I distanced myself from! I didn't enjoy their branding and believed them to be the old guard. It was therefore surprising to visit the BNI Foxes in Leicester and find a growing, excited and fun bunch of people and businesses that were clearly passing referrals (something my current networking group was not). Ultimately it was clear to me that if you want to take networking seriously you had to find a networking group that was also serious.

BNI Was Not For Me

Truthfully I still am not a believer in everything BNI; it's setup is too American at times, it's online search functionality is dreadful and the podcasts are a 0/10 experience for anyone who values good content. However, the main reason that I first erected barriers between myself and the organisation was from a meeting I attended over a decade ago. I believe this decade old reasoning is what's still shared by many businessmen/ women today.

The Right BNI Works

I've now visited many BNI's around the Leicester, Northampton and Buckingham area. As I've indicated throughout the article, networking meetings differ dramatically but I'm proud to say that I've had great experience with all the meetings I've attended (this is however different from stating I'd join every group)! My preconceptions of BNI have warn off and I'm left understanding that BNI is for people who want to take their business and networking seriously. Here's what they do excellently:

  1. Encouraging members to pass referrals
  2. Score members so as to identify and support members that are not pulling their weight
  3. Structuring meetings so agendas are focused
  4. Provide access to a massive collection of local, national and even international members that are also a part of BNI

My BNI Group

I've been with The Foxes, Leicester Business Networking for 18 months and am slowly becoming a better networker. Like building your business building up a great network takes time. We're currently a group of 27 members that meets at 9:30AM at Leicester County Cricket Club each week. Here's our members:

Graphic Designer, Adam Smalley

The Design Gent

Adam is an exceptional graphic designer.

Yolkk's top tip for creative work would be to be aware of smaller agencies (under thirty people) that offer too many services. It's very common for an agencies core competency to be; websites, paid ads, social media etc. but still offer alternative services. Adam is of course a true graphic designer with a wealth of experience. He's also always uplifting and energising to be around with a switch that turns on when work needs to be done.

Residential Lettings Agent, Krishna Raniga

KCR Real Estate

Krishna is an extremely hard working individual. KCR Real Estate found that so much demand for viewings came around the weekend that they're likely the only Estate Agents in Leicester open on Sundays. I love hearing Krishna's stories about how a landlord had a vacant property for weeks or months before hiring KCR - KCR seemingly wave a wand, five potential occupants appear and leases have suddenly been signed with a new satisfied client.

Financial Advisor, Kris Amliwala

Designer Wealth Management

Planning for your future is essential. When you start to see the first signs of wealth, forming a plan to save and invest becomes crucial. Kris is known for his calming presence and ability to provide clear, concise financial advice. He helps his clients navigate the often complex world of wealth management, ensuring they feel confident about their financial future. Kris really gets to know and understand his clients asking the right questions before formulating a plan.

Hypnotherapist, Heidi Walker

Soul Solutions Hypnotherapy

Heidi trains individuals to come hypnotherapists and being a qualified trainer is exceptionally skilled herself.

Heidi offers a unique approach to personal wellbeing and mental health through hypnotherapy. Her sessions are designed to help individuals overcome challenges such as stress, anxiety, and even smoking cessation. Heidi’s calming demeanour and professional expertise create a safe space for her clients, making each session impactful. Clients often leave feeling empowered and with a renewed sense of clarity. Heidi’s personalised approach ensures that each client receives the specific help they need to make positive changes in their lives.

HR Advisor, Duncan Turner

Harwood HR

Duncan offers flexible HR support tailored to the needs of small and medium-sized businesses. With monthly contracts starting from £50, he provides comprehensive HR services without breaking the bank. Duncan is not only extremely qualified, but he is also known for his approachable and humorous nature, making HR processes less daunting for business owners. His clients appreciate his ability to simplify complex HR issues as well as a hands-on approach has earned him a reputation for being reliable and highly effective.

Plumbing, Scott Ingham

SCI Group

Although Scott holds the plumbing seat in our group, SCI Group is a full-service building contractor. From bathroom installations to home extensions, Scott and his team handle a wide range of construction projects with a focus on quality and customer satisfaction. They specialise in setups for domiciliary care, which require meticulous planning and execution. Scott’s commitment to delivering high standards in all his projects makes him a valued member of our network.

Private Health Insurance, Keith Iliffe

Keith Ilifee, Pure Protection

Keith is a full market broker for private health insurance. Like so many on this list Keith is likeable, professional and extremely experienced. He's a whole of market broker for private health insurance and it's always fascinating to hear how prices can seriously fluctuate between providers in addition to how many provide exceptionally terrible renewal quotes.

Private Medical Insurance effectively gets you to the front of the queue at a time where the NHS isn't always providing for those in serious need, pain or discomfort. The NHS is still a brilliant system, nevertheless if you're a business owner can afford the security and benefits Keith offers then it's well worth getting in touch.

Electrical Contractor, Joe Allen-Houlder

Glenfield Electrical

We're lucky to have Joe as part of our networking group in the Foxes. Joe highly organised which likely has been passed on through the organised practises of Glenfield Electrical. He says Glenfield do one thing differently than all other electricians which is "answer the phone"! I actually think he's right following my experience with small one man band tradesmen.

The last thing to mention is that before using Glenfield I imagined their larger business to be more expensive. Whilst this still can be the case for larger businesses Glenfield have employees that are constantly needed to be kept in motion. Their quote was very competitive and they do their job to an extremely high standard.

Tailor, Bhavik Popat

Suit Yourself

Bhavik owns Suit Yourself a mens retailer of suits, formal wear and custom shoes located in central Leicester.

I got married in the summer of 2023 and as someone that doesn't love shopping was baffled at how difficult I found buying a suit for my wedding!

bought my suit before I met Bhavik but my experience kept me wandering from shop to shop to try and find the suit I wanted. I know I visited over 10 sellers in at least 5 locations before I found the colour and style that I thought would best suit myself and the day. I had bought the suit but Bhavik did an incredible job tailoring it properly before my big day. The difference between Suit Yourself and all the other retailers I'd visited was that Suit Yourself has variety. They're professional tailors with years of experience and keep a dazzling array of colours, styles and patterns on hand.

They're high quality so I don't do my day to day shopping with Bhavik but have some select items that get put on when the occasion surfaces. At the time of writing I'll soon be attending a black tie event and will head to Suit Yourself beforehand to hire this formalwear.

Recruitment Consultant, Kiran Purbhoo

KPHR | Recruitment: Finance & Accountancy,  Sales Managers & Directors, Office Admin & Support and Automotive Industry

I've had friends work in recruitment and therefore understand how many businesses operate within the industry. KPHR and Kiran take a very different tact which makes a customers experience so much better.

Typical Experience: 1. Win the business 2. Send over a large list of potential candidates from your existing massive database of candidates on the system 3. Do very little research into the candidate and hope one of these matches 4. Continue to operate at scale concentrating on volume

KPHR Experience: Specialised service. Much more personalised discussions. Honest answers and expertise based off years of experience successfully recruiting. Personalised touch on reaching out to researched candidates that Kiran believes would make for an ideal matchup. KPHR places guarantees in place if candidate doesn't work out.

Business Utilities Consultant, Amit Ganatra

Business Energy Savings Team

Amit is a brilliant networker as well as being friendly and very honest. My mum owns a dance school in Wellingborough and I asked Amit to take a look at their bills to see if there was anything to be done. Forget anything else, my mums smile and experience was everything and as always it feels incredible to refer services that give a reaction like this.

I also admire the business model of The Business Energy Savings Team. There's no downside, they even offer a voucher if they can't save you money!

If you own a business with a premises please message Amit to see if you're spending too much on Electricity, Gas, Water, Waste Management etc.

Printer, Dave Goodman

Soar Valley Press

I hear Dave's tagline each week - "We make print a straightforward and stress free experience" and they know what they're talking about because they do exactly this.

My father owned a print company and although I wouldn't want to speak ill of his business (Folderprint), Soar Valley have a much more organised and streamlined setup. They've likely done it all before and can print a logo onto anything including workwear and merchandise.

Fire Safety Consultant, Preety Gill

Elevate Safety Solutions

With years of experience working for a much larger organisation Preety with the poor customer service and messy process these larger providers as well as the wider industry offered.

Preet has built a team of experts and runs a much smaller, personal service for SME's. They're of course dedicated to ensuring their clients are taken care of properly i.e. know what's going on and are provided a professional end to end service.

SME IT Support, Marie Thompson


Marie is extremely organised and runs an experienced and knowledgeable team in Leicester that act as a small businesses outsourced IT support. All too often a small business owner will spend half a day trying to setup phone lines, printers, networks and more. Hire SHBS and value your time.

Charity, Matt Lilley

Focus Charity

Matt works at a young persons charity offering support to teenagers that are often overlooked in our system. They do this by organising activities and providing a space these young people can congregate as well as feel safe and heard. The stories he shares and the testimonials of the children/ young adults (teenagers) of course pull on my heartstrings. Matt is a caring, funning and hard working man and I hope to only do more for this wonderful charity.